The preparatory meeting for the Conference of Plenipotentiaries on the Minamata Convention on Mercury was held on 7 and 8 October 2013 in Kumamoto, Japan. The meeting agreed to the text of draft Resolutions to be forwarded to the Conference of Plenipotentiaries for adoption and inclusion in the Final Act.
UNEP(DTIE)/Hg/CONF/PM/1 - Provisional agenda
UNEP(DTIE)/Hg/CONF/PM/1/Add.1 -Annotations to the provisional agenda
UNEP(DTIE)/Hg/CONF/PM/2 - Scenario note for the preparatory meeting for the Conference of Plenipotentiaries on the Minamata Convention on Mercury
UNEP(DTIE)/Hg/CONF/PM/3 - Draft resolutions for the Conference of Plenipotentiaries
UNEP(DTIE)/Hg/CONF/PM/4 - Report of the preparatory meeting for the Conference of Plenipotentiaries on the Minamata Convention on Mercury
UNEP(DTIE)/Hg/CONF/PM/INF1 - Rules of procedure for the preparatory meeting for the Conference of Plenipotentiaries on the Minamata Convention on Mercury
UNEP(DTIE)/Hg/CONF/PM/INF2 -Information provided by the Executive Secretary of the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm conventions on decisions adopted by the conferences of the parties to the three conventions at their simultaneous extraordinary meetings, held from 28 April to 10 May 2013, regarding steps that would facilitate possible future cooperation and coordination with the Minamata Convention on Mercury
UNEP(DTIE)/Hg/CONF/PM/INF3 - Options for the provision of the secretariat during the period before entry into force of the Convention
UNEP(DTIE)/Hg/CONF/PM/INF4 - Terms of reference for a special programme to support institutional strengthening at the national level for implementation of the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm Conventions, the future Minamata Convention and the Strategic Approach to International Chemicals Management