In the run-up to the fourth meeting of the Conference of the Parties (COP-4), Minamata Online returns to support government officials, scientists,
NGOs and other stakeholders of the international mercury community. Click
here for the
provisional calendar
of online events.
The sessions of Season 2 will start on July 22 with a webinar on
“Global change and biogeochemical mercury cycling”. These digital series remain
arranged according to three streams: implementation support and review,
mercury science, and COP-4 preparations.
Originally conceived
by the Secretariat of the Minamata Convention as a way
to continue strengthening networks during the COVID-19 pandemic by
assisting its Parties and key constituencies through online means, Minamata
Online is a series of digital engagement designed to further clarify the
Convention's provisions, as well as policy and scientific aspects.
Season 2 also responds to the valuable feedback from the over 1,700 participants that took part in last year’s presentations, Q&A sessions and panel discussions. The sessions are 1-1.5 hours long, some of which will be held twice on the
same day to accommodate different time zones. Each session will be
announced individually, and registration will be available on the Minamata
Convention website.
Check the
Minamata Online Season 2 calendar
and save the date.
Upcoming sessions:
Introduction to the new website
Monday 16 August 2021, 13h00-14h00 CEDT
Register here
Mercury in the Southern Hemisphere
Monday 23 August 2021, 11h00-12h30 CEDT
Register here
Previous sessions:
Global change and biogeochemical mercury cycling
Thursday 22 July 2021, 15h30-17h00 CEDT
Presentations and video recording

To know more about last year’s digital sessions and their corresponding
presentations and video materials, visit the website section of last year’s
Minamata Online Season 1.