At its first session, the intergovernmental negotiating committee to prepare a global legally binding instrument on mercury (INC) adopted the rules of procedure under which it would operate and elected Fernando Lugris (Uruguay) Chair of the committee, as well as nine vice-chairs that together would form the Bureau of the INC. Nina Cromnier agreed to serve also as Rapporteur.
At its seventh session, the composition of the INC Bureau was as follows:
- For Africa: Oumar Diaoure Cissé (Mali) and David Kapindula (Zambia);
- For Asia and the Pacific: Yingxian Xia (China) and Mohammed Kashashneh (Jordan);
- For Central and Eastern Europe: Alojz Grabner (Slovenia) and Vladimir Lenev (Russian Federation);
- For Latin America and the Caribbean: Gillian Guthrie (Jamaica) and Fernando Lugris (Uruguay);
- For Western Europe and Others: Nina Cromnier (Sweden) and Sezaneh Seymour (United States of America).
INC Bureau at the seventh session of the INC, Dead Sea, Jordan, 10 to 15 March 2016
Bureau meeting 12 January 2017, Haikou, Hainan Province, China:
- Download the report of the Bureau meeting in pdf
Bureau meeting 24 - 25 August 2016, Livingstone, Zambia:
- Download the report of the Bureau meeting in pdf
Bureau meeting 18 - 19 January 2016, Jakarta:
- Download the report of the Bureau meeting in pdf
Bureau meeting 1 - 2 July 2015, Moscow:
- Download the report of the Bureau meeting in pdf
Bureau Teleconference 20 April 2015:
- Download the report of the Bureau meeting in pdf
Bureau meeting 9 - 10 October 2014, Washington DC:
- Download the report of the Bureau meeting in pdf
Bureau meeting 15 -16 May 2014, Dead Sea, Jordan:
- Download the report of the Bureau meeting in pdf
Bureau Teleconference 12 February 2014:
- Download the report of the Bureau meeting in pdf
Please visit the link below for a complete history of the INC Bureau meetings: