A wide range of safe and high-functioning alternatives to mercury-containing products have been developed. Thanks to the Minamata Convention it’s just a matter of time before mercury-free alternatives fully replace them. Read more
14 November 2019
The most senior authority from UNEP will travel to Geneva to open the global meeting, which will take place from 25 to 29 November 2019 at the International Conference Centre.
12 November 2019
Seven years after the Minamata Convention on Mercury was adopted in Kumamoto, Japan, the Executive Secretary of the Convention, Rossana Silva Repetto, visited Minamata City to participate in the launch of a project funded by Japan, to promote the implementation of the Convention.
21 October 2019
On 1 October 2019, the Government of Côte d'Ivoire deposited its instrument of ratification, thereby becoming the 114th Party to the Minamata Convention.
04 October 2019
To support the capacity building and technical assistance plan of the Minamata Convention, the European Union provided 500,000 euros for targeted support at the sub-regional level on mercury trade and mercury emissions.
27 September 2019
The Governing Board of the Specific International Programme met in Washington from 18-20 September and approved ten projects for close to 2 million dollars. Please read the statement by the Co-Chairs, Mr. Sam Adu-Kumi and Mr. Reggie Hernaus.
23 September 2019
The third meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Minamata Convention will take place from 25 to 29 November 2019 in Geneva, Switzerland.
The online platform for pre-registration is available until the 11 November 2019.
23 September 2019
From the 8th to 13th September 2019 the international scientist community and policy makers met in Krakow, Poland at the 14th International Conference on Mercury as a Global Pollutant (ICMGP 2019).
19 September 2019
On 26 August 2019, the Government of Colombia deposited its instrument of ratification, thereby becoming the 113th Party to the Minamata Convention.
27 August 2019
Two years ago, on 16 August 2017, the Minamata Convention came into force as a global treaty to protect human health and the environment from human-induced emissions and releases of mercury and mercury compounds.
16 August 2019
On 6 August 2019, the Government of the Republic of the Congo deposited its instrument of ratification, thereby becoming the 112th Party to the Minamata Convention.
08 August 2019
The draft report of the ad hoc technical expert group was open for comment from 1 August to 5 September 2019. The draft report responds to the mandate of MC-1/9 and MC-2/20. View comments received.
05 August 2019
On 23 July 2019, the Government of Comoros deposited its instrument of ratification, thereby becoming the 111th Party to the Minamata Convention.
26 July 2019
On 10 Jun 2019, the Government of Montenegro deposited its instrument of ratification, thereby becoming the 110th Party to the Minamata Convention.
27 June 2019
On 7 Jun 2019, the Government of Tuvalu deposited its instrument of accession, thereby becoming the 109th Party to the Minamata Convention.
13 June 2019
COP-3 will be held in Geneva from 25 to 29 November 2019. Updated schedule for submissions, commenting and development of COP documents is available.
22 May 2019
The government of South Africa deposited its instrument of ratification on 29 April 2019.
07 May 2019
The governments of Ireland and the State of Palestine deposited their instrument of ratification and accession respectively, on 18 March 2019.
20 March 2019
The governments of Saint Lucia, Marshall Islands and Saudi Arabia deposited their instrument of accession respectively on 23, 29 January and 27 February while Uganda’s government deposited its instrument of ratification on 1 March 2019.
07 March 2019
Eligible Parties are invited to submit applications to the Second Round of the Specific International Programme that was established to support capacity building and technical assistance.
05 March 2019
Submissions for COP3 on releases, waste, contaminates sites and effectiveness evaluation were received by 15 February. Other submissions are due by 31 May 2019.
19 February 2019
Members of the Governing Board will discuss preparations to launch the Second Round for projects applications, as well as elements for a resource mobilization strategy.
11 January 2019
The Executive Secretary conveys her sincere gratitude to Parties and stakeholders for contributing to the success of the conference and shares a summary of key follow up items, including call for submissions and nominations.
08 January 2019
The Minamata Convention was adopted at the Conference of Plenipotentiaries (DipCon) in Kumamoto, Japan, on 10 October 2013. The citizens of Kumamoto celebrated the 5th anniversary with a “mercury-Free Fair” on 18 November 2018.
12 December 2018
Global mercury emissions rose by 20% between 2010 and 2015. Mercury is deadly to human health and technology hasn't been able to offset this rise which may be partly due to the recovery of major coal burning economies in the years following the 2008 crash.
23 November 2018
On 22 October 2018, the Governments of Guinea-Bissau and Tonga deposited their instruments of ratification, thereby becoming the 100th and 101st Parties to the Convention.
23 October 2018
On 16 October 2018, the Government of Vanuatu deposited its instrument of accession, thereby becoming the 99th Party to the Minamata Convention.
18 October 2018
Today makes the fifth anniversary of the adoption of the Minamata Convention at the Conference of Plenipotentiaries (DipCon) in Kumamoto, Japan. All DipCon delegates were presented with a tumbler for hot or cold drinks decorated by school children from Minamata City and Kumamoto City.
10 October 2018
The Governing Board of the Specific International Programme met in Oslo from 2-3 October 2018 to review applications to its First Round. Please see link for the statement by the Co-Chairs, Mr. Sam Adu-Kumi and Mr. Reggie Hernaus.
08 October 2018
Meeting documents and information on registration, credentials, events and exhibitions are available. Please refer to updated information, including the events timetable.
05 September 2018
On 30 August 2018, the Government of Sao Tome and Principe deposited its instrument of accession, thereby becoming the 98th Party to the Minamata Convention.
31 August 2018
On 28 August 2018, the Government of Portugal deposited its instrument of accession, thereby becoming the 97th Party to the Minamata Convention.
29 August 2018
On 27 August 2018, the Government of Chile deposited its instrument of ratification, thereby becoming the 96th Party to the Minamata Convention.
28 August 2018
On 16 August 2017 the Minamata Convention entered into force, 90 days after the 50-ratification milestone required was reached. Today, the number of Parties to the Convention almost doubled, with 95 countries having committed to its provisions.
16 August 2018
On 2 August 2018, the Government of Suriname deposited its instrument of accession, thereby becoming the 95th Party to the Minamata Convention.
13 August 2018
On 26 June 2018, the Government of Paraguay deposited its instrument of ratification, thereby becoming the 94th Party to the Minamata Convention.
27 June 2018
On 18 June 2018, the Government of India deposited its instrument of ratification, thereby becoming the 93nd Party to the Minamata Convention.
19 June 2018
Eligible Parties are invited to submit applications between USD 50,000 and USD 250,000 to the Specific International Programme that was established to support capacity building and technical assistance.
05 June 2018
Amongst others, members of the Committee considered the rules of procedure under which to operate. The meeting was preceded by an information-sharing session featuring experience under implementation and compliance mechanisms of other MEAs.
28 May 2018
Ms. Silva Repetto started on 4 April 2018. She brings over 24 years of professional experience with the UN, including her last position as Head of the Legal Unit in the Corporate Services Division of UN Environment Programme.
22 May 2018
The 10 members of the Board oversee the operations of the Programme, including how the approximately USD 800,000 pledged and contributed for use in 2018 from Austria, Denmark, Norway, the United Kingdom and the United States of America will be allocated.
14 May 2018
On 3 May 2018, the Government of Iceland deposited its instrument of accession, thereby becoming the 92nd Party to the Minamata Convention.
04 May 2018
On 23 March 2018, the Government of the United Kingdom deposited its instrument of ratification, thereby becoming the 91th Party to the Minamata Convention.
26 March 2018
Eligible countries are invited to submit proposals between USD $50,000 - $250,000 under the Special Programme to support institutional strengthening at the national level for implementation of the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm Conventions, the Minamata Convention and SAICM.
22 March 2018
On 20 March 2018, the Government of Dominican Republic deposited its instrument of ratification, thereby becoming the 90th Party to the Minamata Convention.
22 March 2018
Experts from each regional group, as well as observers from civil society, intergovernmental organizations, indigenous communities, and industry meet to develop arrangements for comparable monitoring data and develop a framework for effectiveness evaluation.
08 March 2018
On 26 February 2018, the Government of Belgium deposited its instrument of ratification, thereby becoming the 89th Party to the Minamata Convention.
27 February 2018
This assessment, conducted by the United Nations Environment Programme, through its International Environmental Technology Centre, launched on 24 September 2017 at COP1, is now available in the 6 UN languages.
15 February 2018
On 30 January 2018, the Government of Cuba deposited its instrument of accession, thereby becoming the 87th Party to the Minamata Convention.
31 January 2018