On 5 November, Minamata Online held an information session on “Mercury emissions: Estimation and projection”. This online science session, part of the “mercury science” stream, presented available information on estimated mercury emissions of release to the environment and their future projection.
05 November 2020
On Thursday 22 October, experts held an information session on how the Minamata Convention sets out obligations with regard to the control and reduction of mercury and mercury compounds to the atmosphere (Article 8 and Annex D).
16 October 2020
On 3 November, Minamata Online held a special briefing on the Fourth Meeting of the Conference of the Parties (COP4) to the Minamata Convention on Mercury, which is scheduled to take place from 1 to 5 November 2021 in Bali, Indonesia.
16 October 2020
On 15 October, Minamata Online held an information session on mercury material flow focusing on waste stream. Presentations included the approaches taken in understanding national mercury flow in waste stream and available knowledge from waste management sector. There was a panel discussion on how to improve the knowledge on mercury material flow in waste stream.
08 October 2020
On 5 October 2020, the Government of the Republic of Tanzania deposited its instrument of ratificacion, thereby becoming the 124th Party to the Minamata Convention.
08 October 2020
Joint Statement of the Basel, Minamata, Rotterdam, & Stockholm conventions on the occasion of the UN Summit on Biodiversity
30 September 2020
On Thursday 8 October, this online session outlined how the Minamata Convention sets out obligations with regard to the trade in mercury (Article 3, MC-1/2). It also provided additional information on the evolution of mercury trade flows.
30 September 2020
On 29 September, experts presented available information on mercury material flow focusing on supply, demand and trade in mercury. Presentations included updated information after the publication of UNEP Mercury Supply, Trade and Demand report, studies on illicit trade, and national studies on mercury material flow.
23 September 2020
On the 75th Anniversary of the United Nations, the Minamata Convention reaffirms its commitment to multilateralism and united action against mercury, and makes available an infographic timeline with a small sample of the Convention’s multilateral work, both past and future.
21 September 2020
On 24 September, Minamata Online held two information sessions on “Implementation review and support Art. 21 Reporting, and Art. 15 Implementation and Compliance Committee”.
18 September 2020
Starting in September and until December, the Secretariat of the Minamata Convention on Mercury is holding a weekly series of free online sessions aimed at better understanding the Convention's provisions, as well as policy and scientific aspects.
16 September 2020
On Tuesday, 15 September, identified experts gathered digitally to contribute to the monitoring guidance for effectiveness evaluation, under the COP-4 preparation stream.
16 September 2020
On 17 September, Minamata Online held an information session on the proposed indicators for evaluating the effectiveness of the Minamata Convention.
10 September 2020
Starting in September and until December, the Secretariat of the Minamata Convention on Mercury will hold a weekly series of free online sessions aimed at better understanding the Convention's provisions, as well as policy and scientific aspects.
09 September 2020
On 2 September, experts from chemicals and waste conventions, Regional Seas Conventions and UNEP explored together the key role of science in tracking progress in reaching environmental goals.
02 September 2020
To mark the 3rd anniversary of the Minamata Convention, two lifelong sufferers of the Minamata Disease raise their voices once more to call for commitment so that mercury poisoning of the magnitude experienced by those living around the Minamata Bay more than 60 years ago, will not be repeated ever again.
15 August 2020
Monika Stankiewicz, Executive Secretary of the Convention, reflects on its impact emphasizing how together we can #MakeMercuryHistory
13 August 2020
Inger Andersen, the Executive Director of UNEP, Monika Stankiewicz, the Executive Secretary of the Minamata Convention, and Rosa Vivien Ratnawati, the Minamata COP4 President convey their message for the 3rd anniversary of the Minamata Convention on Mercury.
13 August 2020
As the Minamata Convention on Mercury turns 3, the Programme Management Officer Marianne Bailey draws attention to the role of ASGM National Action Plans in global efforts to advance sustainable development & transitions to formal economy.
13 August 2020
The Minamata Secretariat is pleased to announce a new weekly series of digital engagement on the Convention's provisions, as well as policy and scientific aspects starting in September 2020.
13 August 2020
This comes in addition to the European Union’s contribution of 500,000 euros for the work programme for technical assistance and capacity building on mercury trade and emissions.
13 August 2020
From their homes, Parties to the Minamata Convention on Mercury are commemorating its third anniversary. Some of the COP4 Bureau Members sent their personal message of hope to work together on this journey to #MakeMercuryHistory
11 August 2020
On 8 July 2020, the Government of the Philippines deposited its instrument of ratificacion, thereby becoming the 123rd Party to the Minamata Convention.
10 July 2020
The Minamata Secretariat convened two online information sessions on the 7 July on the progress of the intersessional process to review the list of products and processes using mercury, with a call for submission of information.
07 July 2020
Meetings held and planned under the Minamata Convention in the 2020-2021 biennium and run-up to COP4 are listed here. The calendar presented will be updated regularly as additional online meetings may be added.
03 July 2020
On 2 July, the Secretariat convened information sessions to highlight the 2020 deadline for mercury-added products under the Minamata Convention, and provide essential information to assist Parties in their implementation of Article 4 in this regard.
02 July 2020
On 23 June 2020, the Government of the Sultanate of Oman deposited its instrument of accession, thereby becoming the 122nd Party to the Minamata Convention.
24 June 2020
The Secretariat of the Minamata Convention on Mercury convened an online information session on the plan to develop guidance on monitoring for evaluating the effectiveness of the Convention.
08 June 2020
On 26 May 2020, the Government of Albania deposited its instrument of ratification, thereby becoming the 120th Party to the Minamata Convention.
29 May 2020
Join live this Thursday 28 May at 9 AM CEST the new Geneva Environment Dialogues special COVID-19 series, to discuss the Minamata Convention Intersessional Work towards COP-4, with the Executive Secretary and other colleagues.
26 May 2020
The Secretariat of the Minamata Convention expresses its condolences on the passing of Mr. Marc Chardonnens, former Head of the Swiss Federal Office for the Environment and former President of the COP1 and 2.
18 May 2020
Submissions on Annexes A and B are due by 15 May.
The draft general guidance on release inventory is still open for comments until 19 June.
08 May 2020
On 12 March 2020, the Government of North Macedonia deposited its instrument of ratification, thereby becoming the 119th Party to the Minamata Convention.
24 April 2020
The official meeting report of the third Conference of the Parties to the Minamata Convention is available in all languages.
Parties are invited to check the details in the draft list of participants.
14 April 2020
On 25 February 2020, the Government of Cyprus deposited its instrument of ratification, thereby becoming the 118th Party to the Minamata Convention.
26 February 2020
Minamata, a film featuring the Minamata Disease, a debilitating illness caused by mercury poisoning, premieres at the Berlin International Film Festival. Johnny Depp stars as W. Eugene Smith, a US war photographer, who with his wife Aileen Smith, documented the devastating effects of the disease on the local Japanese community in the 1970s.
21 February 2020
On 12 February 2020, the Government of the Bahamas deposited its instrument of accession, thereby becoming the 117th Party to the Minamata Convention.
13 February 2020
The purpose of this document is to provide information to assist Parties in reporting under Article 21 of the Minamata Convention. It is available in 6 languages.
10 February 2020
The Conference of the Parties adopted this guidance at its third meeting and encouraged the parties to take it into account in identifying, assessing and managing sites contaminated by mercury.
07 February 2020
Monika Stankiewicz assumed her functions as the Executive Secretary of the Minamata Convention on Mercury on 13 January 2020.
13 January 2020
On 24 December 2019, the Government of Equatorial Guinea deposited its instrument of accession, thereby becoming the 116th Party to the Minamata Convention.
26 December 2019
The fourth round of applications was launched on 29 November 2019 in the margins of Minamata Convention third Conference of the Parties. The deadline for the submission of applications has been extended to Friday 4 September 2020.
03 December 2019
Parties to the Minamata Convention are to phase out the use of products which contain mercury and to promote alternatives.
29 November 2019
Here you will find videos and pictures covering the third meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Minamata Convention on Mercury (COP3) taking place from 25 to 29 November 2019 at the International Conference Centre in Geneva, Switzerland.
28 November 2019
Explore what we know on mercury trade in this interactive story.
27 November 2019
The meeting was opened yesterday at CICG in Geneva, Switzerland, with the presence of representatives from the Convention’s parties.
26 November 2019
On 22 November 2019, the Government of the Republic of Korea deposited its instrument of ratification, thereby becoming the 115th Party to the Minamata Convention.
23 November 2019
Expected highlights from the third meeting of the conference of the parties to the Minamata Convention on Mercury.
20 November 2019
Mercury poisoning has dangerous and sometimes irreversible effects, and while unborn babies are most vulnerable, anyone can suffer. Read more
14 November 2019