On Wednesday 22 and Thursday 23 January 2014, the Minamata Convention Interim Secretariat participated in a retreat with the GEF and GEF STAP (Scientific and Technical Advisory Panel) Secretariats in Glion, Switzerland. The first day of the meeting was a joint meeting with the SAICM and Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm Conventions Secretariats.
The objective of the retreat was to enhance cooperation and seek opportunities for future synergies with the GEF Secretariat, including during the interim period prior to enter into force of the Minamata Convention on Mercury. A series of joint follow up action items were agreed upon at the end of the retreat for further collaboration in the interim period.
The retreat, which took place in an informal setting in the beautiful Swiss mountains, contributed to fostering a stronger relationship with the GEF secretariat. The Minamata Convention Interim Secretariat welcomes the opportunity to establish strong working relationship with the GEF Secretariat and looks forward to strengthening this relationship during the interim period.