Pursuant to Article 21 of the Minamata Convention on Mercury, each Party shall report on the measures it has taken to implement the provisions of the Convention, on the effectiveness of such measures and on possible challenges in meeting the objectives of the Convention. The deadline for the first biennial national reports (short format) was 31 December 2019.
Below are the national reports submitted by the Parties to the Minamata Convention for the first reporting cycle. New reports received will be posted here when available.
Parties are strongly encouraged to use the online reporting tool to prepare and submit their report if they have not yet done so. The tool follows the reporting format agreed by the Conference of Parties and is available in the six official languages of the UN. The National Focal Point of each Party has received the login credentials to submit the report.
If your Government’s National Focal Point has not received the credentials, or if your Government is unaware whom the credentials have been sent to, please immediately alert MEA-MinamataSecretariat@un.org.
For the biennial report, an information document and a presentation have been prepared to assist Parties and facilitate completing the report.